Brand Strategy & Execution
Objective: Build a brand and awareness of BNY Mellon Investment Management as a leader in the DC Retirement Market.
Strategy: Develop and execute a bi-annual, high-end, visually impactful magazine with timely, compelling, industry-specific content designed to help micro- to large-sized plan sponsors and retirement plan advisors better understand and navigate the complex world of defined contribution plans. Utilizing this prolific content, develop both multi-channeled and targeted approaches to broaden and deepen penetration of awareness and ultimately preference for BNY Mellon Retirement thinking, strategies and solutions.
Execution: Partnering with Deardorff Associates for creative and Caldwell Ross Communications for content creation developed a series of magazines and deployed a new and highly aggressive distribution plan:
• Print Magazine (20-24 pages, oversized) with compelling vellum flysheet in clear polybag – mailed to 14,500.
• Segmented Digital Outreach that included roll-out emails, individual article emails and themed emails according to target audience areas of focus.
• Key Partnership Marketing – Established relationships and created customized mailers, cover letters, presentations, targeted emails and speaking opportunities with Empower, Commonwealth, Retirement Plan Advisory Group, Transamerica and others.
• Content syndication – Created public relations and social media outreach to pitch and syndicate specific articles/content to advance industry thinking, further establishing the firm’s commitment and credibility.
• Website: Built Planet DC landing page with HTML article content
• Social media: 5 week+ campaigns on LinkedIn and Twitter promoting key content/articles
• Brave Ideas blog: Leveraged existing blog with 4+ posts per issue
• Public Relations: Launch press release, editorial sponsorship and POV/opinion pieces
• Presentations: Developed 2-3 value add sales presentations (for advisors to use with clients) per issue
Results: The multi-channeled marketing and targeted content syndication of Planet DC increased sales opportunities and dramatically increased brand awareness and credibility among our target audiences. It also raised awareness of BNY Mellon as a top-tier player in both the DC market and the broader retirement market. The sales team used Planet DC to unlock doors, lead meetings, showcase the firm’s leadership in the market, educate clients, provide tools to clients, and segue into product conversations.
Plan sponsor, advisor and sales partner quotes include:
“I found the content and the layout of this publication to be the best I have seen in the industry.”
“It is full of information that plan advisors and fiduciaries can absorb and apply to the execution of their duties.”
“This edition with the customized letter gives us great conversations to have with our clients.”
“A reliable brand and a consultative approach go a long way. In order to stay relevant, you need to be constantly generating new ideas and content. Planet DC is the perfect engine to drive those efforts.”