Investment Product Promotion
Objective: The sales force needed a focused campaign to quickly ramp sales.
Strategy: Develop set of sales aids, messaging, and pre-approved emails they could use to entice a prospect - within two minutes or less. And get the prospect to schedule time to learn more.
Execution: Identified two Lazard investment strategies with strong performance in asset classes commonly used in defined contribution plans and which have characteristics which would be especially compelling for unique needs of investment selectors/gatekeepers within the DC Market. Based on knowledge of the target audience we knew a message of consistency would resonate. For each strategy we employed a visually engaging use of graphics and succinct supporting copy to feature four key performance indicators which all focused on the strategies’ track records of consistently delivering excellent long-term performance. The tagline for both - “Consistency has its Advantages”.
Results: Through a pre-planned coordinated sales campaign of personalized emails, social media, live events and phone calls, Lazard quickly gained traction and began scheduling in-depth meetings between prospects and the Client Portfolio Managers.